My mission is to relieve my client’s muscle pain issues that are restricting and preventing normal daily activities.
Thank you to everyone for taking the medical precautions during this pandemic. I am conducting sessions at my home clinic and client’s residence.
Always take care of yourself and those you love.
Thank you so much,
Earl – Da Massage Guy
I became a massage therapist after serving our country in the US Army and working with companies like IBM and UPS. I came to a point in my life that I felt it was my time to help people on a one to one basis. I chose therapeutic massage because it was my way to connect, help and provide a complementary medical service to people. It is rewarding for me to see my clients positive pain-relieving results.

My main goal is to relieve my client’s muscular and tissue pain with the least amount of pressure whenever possible. I received training in Advanced Neural Reset Therapy (NRT), Pa Iwi Ola Lomi Lomi (Level 1), Kinessage® Massage Through Movement (lower body – a process of Myofascial Release and movement), Kinetic Chain Release (KCR), Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques, Vibration (in development) and other specialties.
I was asked once why I keep learning different techniques? Like Bruce Lee said, “Absorb what is useful, discard what is not and add what is uniquely your own.” Learning essential therapeutic techniques helps me in serving my clients. My therapy has evolved since I am not restricted by any discipline. Neural Reset Therapy (NRT) is my “go to” modality with my many studies blended into resolving muscular, joint, and soft-tissue pain.
Learn more about pricing and the services I provide by clicking here.
To make an home-based “outcall” appointment please call or text 24 hrs in advance of your desired day appointment at (808) 222.8233 (please leave a message) or email me at
Earl Gushiken
MAT 10494 since 2007
Therapeutic Massage with Aloha