Prices, Hours & Services

I use a variety of muscle pain-relieving massage techniques that will be customized to your particular treatment and preferences.  My massage therapy is tailored specifically for you at each visit.  This is your time to take care of yourself and receive the gift of therapeutic touch.



      *  60 minutes  =  $80      

      *  90 minutes  =  $ 110 

HOME-BASED CARE “Out-calls”:   

“Out-calls” are sessions that are conducted at the client’s residence.  Depending on the situations, sessions can be done inside a well-ventilated house (6’X8′ cleared area is required), lanai, garage or a shaded outside area:

     *   60 minutes  =  $100

     *   90 minutes  =  $130

* (Out-call Transportation prices starts at $10 and will vary on distance and client’s location.  No Transportation charges for clients located in Kaneohe and Kahalu’u).

“Heal the Healers”   Discounted one-hour massage service for licensed medical and complementary medicine professionals (MD, DDS, DC, DVM, RN, LPN, LMT, etc.).  This service was influenced by my Kumu, Akino Apana, who wanted to ensure that “healers” were taken care of so they could continue helping others.

*Cash, checks or credit card payments are accepted  (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and JCB).


    Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday:

     Start times from 9:30 am to 3 pm.

(Appointment exceptions may be made based on certain client’s conditions).


“Mixed Plate”:  My therapeutic muscle PAIN-RELIEVING specialty incorporates several styles that are tailored to your specific needs. Neural Reset Therapy (NRT), Kinessage, Pa Iwi Ola Lomilomi style and Vibration will be incorporated in your session. 

Neural Reset Therapy (NRT):  as developed by Lawrence Woods is a practical, rapid and reliable way to apply laws of physiology with an advanced form of manual therapy.  Muscles are controlled by the nervous system. Proper application of NRT resets the nervous system to release a muscle from excessive tension. With the release, the knots, pain, and tightness are gone. Joint mobility and posture are improved.  NRT is based on sound physiological and neurological principles.”  Some clients say the results are almost like “Magic”.

Excerpt from:

Kinessage® Massage Through Movement (Lower Body):  A method of therapeutic massage that effectively relieves pain and increases range of motion while being easier on the client.  The client receives a massage with movement that feels great.  Effective for increasing range of motion (ROM) and mobility issues with less pain for the client.  

Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques (MAT):  Myoskeletal alignment technique is a type of bodywork which blends the principles of osteopathy and structural integration to relieve chronic pain, and to reduce the potential for the emergence of pain which could become chronic over time. This technique is often integrated into regular massage and bodywork sessions, and it can also be used alone to treat systemic problems.

Vibration Therapy:  I have discovered an effective and less painful way of loosening facia tissue by using vibration (not to be confused with pulsation machines).  This therapy reduces muscular tension when tissue is involved.  This therapy is unique in the Hawaii.

Massage therapists do not diagnose medical conditions or provide medical advice. Therapeutic Massage does not replace the need for medical attention.  ALWAYS seek the advice of your doctor if you have persistent pain or symptoms that affect your health.